

When designing a logo, what should I pay attention to?

What should I pay attention to when creating a Logo

A logo, it is almost mandatory to have one by now. But what should you pay attention to when creating or having one made? In this article, I will take you through the basic principles of a good and strong logo. 

First, something to start off with. The most important thing is not to have a logo, but you need a strong corporate identity. A corporate identity is much broader than just a logo. I always like to see a corporate identity as the toolbox of a carpenter. It contains all the important things that a carpenter needs.

For example, you need a hammer (your corporate colors), but a saw (the logo) is also important. But where are you going to put everything? So you also need a bag (the core values, mission, and vision of the company). I think you understand where I'm going with this. 

Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS)

Maybe you already know this term, but I'd still like to explain it. A logo should be as simple as possible. Not too difficult and not too fussy. You should be able to see at a glance what it's about. It shouldn't look too complicated either. Because why would you create an extremely complex logo. It is not scalable and usually not timeless.


And then you come to point two. A good logo is scalable. You should be able to use it on small and large surfaces. I have a few examples of large companies that are a perfect example in this area. The logos are not only scalable but also timeless and original.


You don't create a logo for just a short period. But often for a long period. Think of a period of 10/20 years. Ideally, logos should last even longer. That's why it's crucial that the logo is so timeless that it could have been used in 1734 and still be up to date in 2053. 


One of the most important aspects for us is that it should be recognizable. So the logo should stay in your head for three minutes. You should be able to recognize it everywhere. If I ask you now what the Microsoft logo looks like or the logo of NS (Dutch Railways).


With a logo, it is important that you can use it in many colors. A strict rule is that every logo in 100% black (so no gray tones) should also be clear and visible. Many designers forget this. That's why it's extremely important to take this into account as a Designer or Client. 


Finally, a logo should really fit the target audience for whom the logo is intended. That's why we really talk to our partners. Because we really want to know who the end result is meant for. 

That's all the most important ones! There are a few more that are slightly less important and are no longer completely up to date. Part two is coming soon!

Do you also want a professional corporate identity? Contact us now and we'll help you further!


When designing a logo, what should I pay attention to?

What should I pay attention to when creating a Logo

A logo, it is almost mandatory to have one by now. But what should you pay attention to when creating or having one made? In this article, I will take you through the basic principles of a good and strong logo. 

First, something to start off with. The most important thing is not to have a logo, but you need a strong corporate identity. A corporate identity is much broader than just a logo. I always like to see a corporate identity as the toolbox of a carpenter. It contains all the important things that a carpenter needs.

For example, you need a hammer (your corporate colors), but a saw (the logo) is also important. But where are you going to put everything? So you also need a bag (the core values, mission, and vision of the company). I think you understand where I'm going with this. 

Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS)

Maybe you already know this term, but I'd still like to explain it. A logo should be as simple as possible. Not too difficult and not too fussy. You should be able to see at a glance what it's about. It shouldn't look too complicated either. Because why would you create an extremely complex logo. It is not scalable and usually not timeless.


And then you come to point two. A good logo is scalable. You should be able to use it on small and large surfaces. I have a few examples of large companies that are a perfect example in this area. The logos are not only scalable but also timeless and original.


You don't create a logo for just a short period. But often for a long period. Think of a period of 10/20 years. Ideally, logos should last even longer. That's why it's crucial that the logo is so timeless that it could have been used in 1734 and still be up to date in 2053. 


One of the most important aspects for us is that it should be recognizable. So the logo should stay in your head for three minutes. You should be able to recognize it everywhere. If I ask you now what the Microsoft logo looks like or the logo of NS (Dutch Railways).


With a logo, it is important that you can use it in many colors. A strict rule is that every logo in 100% black (so no gray tones) should also be clear and visible. Many designers forget this. That's why it's extremely important to take this into account as a Designer or Client. 


Finally, a logo should really fit the target audience for whom the logo is intended. That's why we really talk to our partners. Because we really want to know who the end result is meant for. 

That's all the most important ones! There are a few more that are slightly less important and are no longer completely up to date. Part two is coming soon!

Do you also want a professional corporate identity? Contact us now and we'll help you further!


When designing a logo, what should I pay attention to?

What should I pay attention to when creating a Logo

A logo, it is almost mandatory to have one by now. But what should you pay attention to when creating or having one made? In this article, I will take you through the basic principles of a good and strong logo. 

First, something to start off with. The most important thing is not to have a logo, but you need a strong corporate identity. A corporate identity is much broader than just a logo. I always like to see a corporate identity as the toolbox of a carpenter. It contains all the important things that a carpenter needs.

For example, you need a hammer (your corporate colors), but a saw (the logo) is also important. But where are you going to put everything? So you also need a bag (the core values, mission, and vision of the company). I think you understand where I'm going with this. 

Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS)

Maybe you already know this term, but I'd still like to explain it. A logo should be as simple as possible. Not too difficult and not too fussy. You should be able to see at a glance what it's about. It shouldn't look too complicated either. Because why would you create an extremely complex logo. It is not scalable and usually not timeless.


And then you come to point two. A good logo is scalable. You should be able to use it on small and large surfaces. I have a few examples of large companies that are a perfect example in this area. The logos are not only scalable but also timeless and original.


You don't create a logo for just a short period. But often for a long period. Think of a period of 10/20 years. Ideally, logos should last even longer. That's why it's crucial that the logo is so timeless that it could have been used in 1734 and still be up to date in 2053. 


One of the most important aspects for us is that it should be recognizable. So the logo should stay in your head for three minutes. You should be able to recognize it everywhere. If I ask you now what the Microsoft logo looks like or the logo of NS (Dutch Railways).


With a logo, it is important that you can use it in many colors. A strict rule is that every logo in 100% black (so no gray tones) should also be clear and visible. Many designers forget this. That's why it's extremely important to take this into account as a Designer or Client. 


Finally, a logo should really fit the target audience for whom the logo is intended. That's why we really talk to our partners. Because we really want to know who the end result is meant for. 

That's all the most important ones! There are a few more that are slightly less important and are no longer completely up to date. Part two is coming soon!

Do you also want a professional corporate identity? Contact us now and we'll help you further!